Write & Eat meets Food Union @ The POD – 9/4/2014
Food Union from 2.00pm
Write & Eat at 4.30pm
@ The POD, 1A Lamb St., CV1 4AE
Try something different – wholesome, hearty, healthy food – all without meat!
Meals sans meat can be a veritable feast, a culinary treat full of colour and flavour.
As ever, Food Union invites Everyone to come along and get involved with cooking a variety of dishes alongside our award-winning within a real-life budget that is both affordable and sustainable!
Organic vs Industrial
Inspired by Jack Monroe’s revolutionary war on food poverty in the UK and her ready-meal challenge, Food Union will be focussed on producing delicious, healthy versions of ready-meals on a budget, and potentially saving money!

We aim to create “processed” foods that are fun to make and good for your stomach and your wallet!

The poetry workshop that follows will wrestle with the same issues of authenticity between natural spaces and human-made urban environments and challenge the pre-conception that these spaces cannot be made more “real” or natural for human beings.

The day will also be punctuated by a Q&A with sound artist Cormac Faulkner!
When did you last make time to listen to your own breath – the rustling of leaves – or the sound of rain on glass?
The Pea Pod Collective have commissioned Sound Artist Cormac Faulkner to lead Sonic Potential workshops on 18th and 19th March 2014. http://cormacfaulkner.wordpress.com/about/ To find out more you are invited to attend an audience with Cormac Faulkner on 12th March or you can book individual workshops via the links below.
Cormac Faulkner is an Irish artist now based in Coventry. His work is concerned with our reaction to different spaces and how our behaviour and understanding can change when presented with new information and new ways of exploring them. He is a multi-disciplinary artist and uses sound, light and sculptural materials in his work.
Both workshops (free to attend) consist of a sound-walk and will introduce you to deep listening as well as some of the audio recording techniques of a sound artist. One workshop will explore the sonic landscape of the outdoors and another will investigate an Industrial theme.
Cormac’s previous commissions include the 2006, “I am an Instrument,” a permanent sound installation on the staircase of The Herbert Art Gallery and “Axis Mundi,” a light and sound installation for twine and light bulb (premiere Pluspace Gallery, Coventry April 2012).
Releasing the sonic Potential 1: Outdoor Potential
March 18th 10:00 – :17.00 – Meet at the Pod 1A Lamb street – Coventry CV14AE. Book your ticket here.
The first workshop takes you on a sound-walk and will introduce you to deep listening as well as some of the audio recording techniques of a sound artist. You will have the opportunity to explore the sonic landscape of the outdoors using listening techniques and will have the opportunity to operate high quality audio recording equipment to gather and share sounds.
Releasing the sonic Potential 2: Industrial Potential
March 19th 10:00 – :17.00 – Meet at the Pod 1A Lamb street – Coventry CV14AE. Book your ticket here. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/releasing-the-sonic-potential-2-industrial-potential-tickets-10701379113?ref=estw
The Second workshop takes you on a sound-walk and will introduce you to deep listening as well as some of the audio recording techniques of a sound artist. You will have the opportunity to explore the sonic landscape of an Industrial setting using listening techniques and will have the opportunity to operate high quality audio recording equipment to gather and share sounds.
Limited places. Book soon to ensure your place is reserved.
Contact Peapod collective for more details: peapodcollective@live.co.uk
Previous Write & Eat events include:
12/2/2013 – Red Winter – another chance to cook creatively and explore the lighter side of the seasons through changing colours and shifting temperatures…
-Red Winter-
Food Union Menu
Berry Smoothie
Winter Slaw with Red Cabbage, Toasted Sesame and Orange
Grain Salad with Roasted Pears
Balsamic Roasted Beetroot
Mushroom Stroganoff
Bramley Apple and Winter Berry Crumble with Cinnamon Cream
Sparkling Elderflower and Raspberry Jelly
- Join us in a cooking fiesta, comrades!
Love Arts//Love Creativity (14/2/2014)
- The Food of Love
14/2/2013 – The Food of Love – Poetry and Cooking from the Heart (Valentine’s Day) along with The Pea Pod Collective Love Arts//Love Creativity
11.30am – 4.30pm @ The POD, CV1 4AE
-Love Arts menu-
Mature Cheddar with Ground Coffee and Honey
Spiced Chorizo and Cannellini Bean Broth
Filo Parcels with Asparagus, Spinach, Feta Cheese and Mushroom
Baked Salmon with a Thyme and Lemon Zest Herb Crumb
Basil Crushed Potato Cakes
Sharp Tomato Salsa
Rose Water and Passion Fruit Eton Mess with Shaved White Chocolate
Milk Chocolate Fondue with Fruit Skewers and Popping Candy
Please book beforehand by emailing The Peapod Collective: peapodcollective@live.co.uk
Write & Eat is run by:
29/1/2014 – Sugar & Spice – Write & Eat meets Food Union!
An open invitation for people to come along and engage in communal creative cooking experience!
The POD kitchen will be open for anyone to get involved, share ideas or learn how to make sweet and spicy treats in a friendly environment. Anyone can drop-in and get cooking!
The meals created will be available to everyone who has cooked and will be available to Revive Café visitors to purchase for £2.
At 4.30pm Write & Eat will kick off with a discussion session for people share recipes and meet over a meal. There will also be a creative writing activity based around the theme of spices (tastes/colours/culture) from around the world.
Simply come along to the POD!