Blending fiction, poetry and urban legends, The Africa in my House presents a tapestry of experience through the eyes of a woman in love with the continent and all it has to teach: about racism, suffering, joy, generosity; and ultimately hope and reconciliation.
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Murambi Genocide Site
It’s hard to find your way sometimes,
Past death’s mask –
Along the broken path
Back to a life.
Through the classrooms of corpses, back
To the car, through the shrieking
Cicadae’d grass.
Closing my eyes, I see the yellow,
Blood-less, black-pored skin,
The flickering eyelashes,
Hear that last breath
And a line-up of bodies troops past,
Skulls stretched in silent screams […]
‘An absorbing work that shines a light for humanity in the face of overwhelming darkness – Andrea Mbarushimana is one to watch.’
-Antony Owen
BUY IT NOW! £6 [PLUS £1 P&P]
Andrea Mbarushimana is a community worker, artist and writer, Andrea has been published in the London Magazine and Here Comes Everyone, exhibited in the Herbert, Coventry Cathedral Chapel of Unity and on various brick walls and has worked with refugees, minority groups, young people and parents.
Andrea made two short films televised on the Community Channel, one with young migrants and one tackling Islamophobia and she’s a regular spoken word performer at Fire and Dust in Coventry. Her Uncle once described her as ‘a real searcher’, which feels about right.
The poem, Brother! Was first published by the Algebra of Owls